2.6.21 Update to 1.21.4 - Fix replays on certain worlds (e.g. 1.21.2+ superflat world) not loading on 1.21.2+ - Fix camera looking straight down on 1.21.2+ 2.6.20 Update to 1.21.2/3 - Fix replays on some custom servers (e.g. Origin Realms) not loading 2.6.19 - Fix bug causing camera to start in the wrong place (often in the void) when Start/Stop/Pause/Resume/Edit was used - Fix players being in wrong teams (and related Network Protocol Error) when Start/Stop/Pause/Resume/Edit was used - Fix Network Protocol Error related to scoreboards/objectives when Start/Stop/Pause/Resume/Edit was used 2.6.18 - Fix new recordings on 1.20.2-1.20.4 failing to play back 2.6.17 - Fix fabric-api being incorrectly shaded into the mod, causing issues with mods that need a more recent fabric-api or MixinExtras version and with Quilt Loader 2.6.16 Update to 1.20.6 Update to 1.21 - Fix incorrect blocks when going backwards in QuickMode on 1.8.9 - Fix ODS export with Iris 1.7.x - Fix popup, which shows after taking a screenshot in a replay, not being invisible when HUD is hidden on 1.20.2+ 2.6.15 - Fix camera sometimes starting in the void when Start/Stop/Pause/Resume was used - Fix various issues with Start/Stop/Pause/Resume on some servers where the game gets stuck in "Reconfiguring" / "Loading terrain" / dirt screen on 1.20.2+ - Fix loading of replays from older Minecraft versions on 1.20.2+ - Fix randomly failing server resource pack playback on 1.20.4 - Fix loading of thumbnails on 1.20.4 2.6.14 Update to 1.20.2 Update to 1.20.4 - Fix rubber-banding on rotation of entity in vehicle (#846) - Fix EXR rendering failing on Windows on MC 1.20+ - Fix missing FabricAPI networking-api-v1 module on 1.16.4/5 - Fix rain not disappearing in Quick Mode 2.6.13 Update to 1.20 - Fix gui elements not moving properly when window is resized on 1.19.4 (#841) - Fix main menu icon button compatibility with keyboard navigation and narrator on 1.16.4 and above - Fix main menu icon button appearing on third-party screens (e.g. DashLoader, Iris' error screen) on 1.16.4 and above (#621) - Fix main menu icon button compatibility with FancyMenu on 1.16.4 and above (#577) - Workaround FancyMenu 2.14.4+ bug resulting in duplicate main menu button on 1.16.4 and above - Remove the Minecraft 1.17 version in favor of 1.17.1 2.6.12 - Fix IllegalReferenceCountException when saving/editing replay with dimension change on 1.19.4 2.6.11 Update to 1.19.4 - Fix boat disappearing when joining Spigot/Paper server on 1.18+ while your player is riding the boat - Fix paths already queued for rendering being affected by subsequent changes to keyframes (#814) - Fix incorrect armor on local player when playing 1.8.9 replay on 1.15 or above (#386) 2.6.10 - Fix recording of multiplayer on 1.19.3 (#803) 2.6.9 Update to 1.19.3 - Fix armor and item in hand going missing after a respawn / dimension change (#791) (this was a bug during recording, it does not fix old replays) - Fix "Chat message validation failed" disconnect in replay when the replay is older than a day ("Expired profile public key") on 1.19.2 (#801) - Fix depth map export while spectating on 1.12.2 and below (#785) - Fix depth map export on 1.14.4 - Fix benign "MixinShaderRenderChunk" error being printed to log on 1.18+ 2.6.8 - Fix "Chat message validation failed" disconnect in replay when "Show Chat" is turned off in ReplayMod settings on 1.19.1+ - Fix "Chat message validation failed" disconnect in replay when the replay is older than a day ("Expired profile public key") on 1.19+ - Fix game crashing when disconnected in replay while fast-forwarding 2.6.7 Update to 1.19.1 - Fix random horizontal line corruption in videos produced with Default Rendering method - Fix item staying visually equipped after being dropped (#658) - Fix skin in Player Overview and first person on 1.8.9 (#749) - Fix incorrect main hand in first person spectator view (#731) - Fix camera sometimes being teleported to the player when it shouldn't (#760) - Fix "Show Chat" setting on 1.19+ (#757) 2.6.6 Update to 1.19 - OpenEXR and PNG export now uses multiple CPU cores - OpenEXR files are now compressed if you have 8 or more CPU cores (compression is slow) - OpenEXR export is now available on all Minecraft versions (used to require 1.14+) - Increase maximum camera speed by about an order of magnitude - Fix scroll wheel sensitivity with classic camera controls (#719) - Fix recording of item pickup animations on 1.14+ 2.6.5 - Fix first-person (cross)bow model animation on Minecraft 1.9 and above (#708) - Fix modded GUIs opening during playback (fabric-screen-handler-api is now suppressed) (#713) - Fix block entities randomly missing data (e.g. skull without skin) after Start/Stop/Pause/Resume on some servers (#718) - Fix crash on Windows when minimizing window while rendering - Fix minimizing/fullscreen/resize while rendering breaking GUI and/or video - Fix fog when rendering with Chroma Key with Sodium installed (#726) - Fix entities while rendering with ResolutionControl+ installed (#705) - Fix crash on Windows when inputting illegal charater on save/rename (#715) - Fix replays with `/` or `\` (depending on OS) in their name 2.6.4 Update to 1.18.2 - Quick Mode is now supported on 1.8.x - Fix entities randomly disappearing on 1.16.1 and 1.15.2 (#657) - Fix broken render screen with Retina displays (#338) (thanks to Andrews54757) - Fix custom packets (e.g. certain entities) not working after jumping and during path preview and rendering on 1.14+ (#674) - Fix missing hand when shaders are enabled with Iris 1.1.3 and above (#638) - Fix ODS rendering with Iris 1.1.3 and above (#693) - Fix crash when receiving server resource pack on 1.12.2 and below (#86) - Fix 360 using incorrect FOV and aspect ratio for their six side renders on 1.16+ - Fix stereoscopic eye offset on 1.16+ - Fix world border animation and movement not being synced to replay speed (#610) (thanks to JochCool) - Fix scrolling to change camera speed while replay is paused on 1.12.2 and below (#590) - Fix replay file names being percent encoded when the original name would have been fine (the replay_recordings folder was near impossible to navigate with non-latin alphabets) (#536) - Fix completely empty chunks (and entities within) going missing in 1.8.x after Start/Stop/Pause/Resume (#636) - Fix crash when any of the replay folders are actually symlinks (#660) - Fix multi-replay render queue not working if the mod compat screen would show (but it doesn't show either), now it just skips that screen (#653) - Fix replay timeline being clickable during path preview (#694) - Fix "Please wait" when jumping not being centered (#646) - Fix render timer breaking when system time changes (#633) - Fix crash when replay cache file is corrupted in a certain way (#535) - Alpha channel is no longer exported by default, there is now a checkbox in the render settings if you need it (#661) - Change the link on the "Missing ffmpeg" screen to point to our documentation (#663) - Improve logging by printing the replay path whenever a replay is opened/edited (#565) 2.6.3 - Fix incorrect visual rotation of certain entities until they rotate by themselves (old recordings will play correctly with the new version) (#619) 2.6.2 Update to 1.18 - Fix entities not moving correctly with Start/Stop/Pause/Resume/Edit when one of their coordinates did not change (e.g. boats tend to stay at the same Y) - Fix passengers getting stuck in unloaded chunks (no more missing llamas) (#606) - Fix underwater visibility being way too low (#572) - Fix world always reloading when path playback is resumed from cursor - Fix replays being corrupted if Replay Viewer is opened while the replay is still recovering - Fix inconsistent recording of riptide animation (#581) - Fix replays from previous MC versions getting stuck in "Loading terrain" on Java 9+ (#578) - Fix crash when Chroma Key is active in 1.12.2 and below (#589) - Fix spectator hand being offset depending on rotation in 1.12.2 and below (#601) - Fix spectator hand jittering when rotating in 1.12.2 and below - Fix entity position/rotation being off after fast-forwarding (#607) - Fix Start/Stop/Pause/Resume buttons showing on F3+Esc screen (#575) - Fix keyframe timeline cursor jumping around wildely when there is no stable position for auto-sync (#488) - Fix NPE crash in Replay Viewer screen when one of the render queues was not saved properly (#617) 2.6.1 - Pause path playback while resource pack loading screen is active (#540) - Fix "VarInt too long" when saving/editing replay in 1.16 and older (#568) - Fix "Expected 38 sky light sections but got 5" in 1.17 (IndexOutOfBoundsException in 1.16 and below) when saving/editing replay with faulty light update masks (#557) - Fix recording of teleports (e.g. enderpearl) between 4 to 8 blocks on any axis on 1.8.9 and below (#525) - Fix confusing resource pack screen sorting due to invisible, internal pack; also fixes Enhanced Block Entity not rendering (#532) - Fix chunks unloading too soon in Quick Mode (as if view distance was three less than it actually is; delete `.minecraft/.replay_cache` if you ran into this) - Fix spectator hand jumping when spectated player rotates across 0 degrees of yaw (internally wrapping around to 360) - Fix spectator hand shaking (once per tick) on rotations (#563) - Fix extremely slow rendering when preview is not stopped before render (now stops automatically) (#524) - Fix pumpkin overlay showing even when not spectating (#546) - Fix scrollbars, shadows and filter not rendering for scrollable lists (e.g. Replay Viewer, Keyframe Repository, etc.) (#556) - Fix advanced screenshot GUI not opening on 1.17.1 (#559) - Fix soft-lock when REI screen is closed (#560) - Fix "Construct's Armory"'s GUIs not opening (#561) - Fix replays becoming inaccessible when render queue uses chroma key (#564) - Fix `.no_recover` files never being cleaned up (#497) - Fix nametags not rendering in screenhots (#498) - Fix crash at start with REI (#501) - Fix crash at start with MainMenuScale (#473) - Fix timeline not saving when completely overwritten (#505) 2.6 Update to 1.17 and 1.17.1 - Add support for Java 16 (#520) - Add support for rendering with Sodium (by using the FREX "Flawless Frames" API) (this requires a custom version until the official one supports it) (#150) - Add support for rendering with Iris (fixes sky, updating of shadows, animations (e.g. foliage), and likely more), there is also a config option for changing between video-time and replay-time for animations - The position/size of the Replay Viewer button is now configurable in the config file, by default it is now a smaller square to the right of the Realms button - Quick Mode now supports changing dimensions (was required because of the variable world height introduced in 1.17 but works on all versions) - Server-only NPCs should now consistently have their skin (#486) - You no longer need to have two time and position keyframes to open the render queue if there is something in it - The config file automatically reloads when changed, no need to restart Minecraft (Fabric only, Forge's configs do not support this) - The PNG export option no longer requires ffmpeg and can export the depth pass as well (though likely requires special software to decode) - Fix resource packs not being recorded if they were sent immediately on join (#521) - Fix IllegalReferenceCountException when saving/editing replay where a respawn packet was cut out (#490, #492) - Fix keybinding conflicts between in-replay bindings and regular bindings in 1.12.2 and below (this was already done for 1.14+) - Fix depth map export with player hand in 1.14-16 - Fix Quick Mode error when a block with id >= 2^13 was placed in a chunk with more than 256 different block states present - Fix Quick Mode error when yet another unique block was placed in a chunk already containing 255 unique block states (#509) - Fix detection of ffmpeg when installed via Homebrew on certain OSX versions (#496) - Fix crash at start when running on a FAT32 partition (mostly Android) (#512) - Remove the MP4 Default Quality preset because it was too unreliable, changed default bitrate from 10 to 20mbps (#475) - Remove OpenEye (never got updated past MC 1.12, so I stopped using it) - Remove the Minecraft 1.7.10 version (primarily due to ForgeGradle 1.2 not supporting Gradle 7 / Java 16) 2.5.2 - Fix chunks missing on certain servers in replays modified via Edit or Start/Stop/Pause/Resume (#139) - Fix chunks missing on certain servers in Quick Mode (#455) - Fix NPE when cutting replay if there is a block change at time 0 (e.g. because it has previously been cut already) (#446) - Fix time slowly drifting when playing replay (i.e. not in Quick Mode, not when playing path) (#451) - Fix render success sound not playing via MC's output (e.g. from a different speaker, or with different volume) (#286) - Process render queue jobs in order as displayed (#488) - Fix "Render All" button in render queue (#447) - Fix linear interpolation sometimes taking the long way around (#368) - Fix spectating via left/right-clicking on forge (#432) - Fix time markers in Edit gui for really long replays (#429) - Allow any entity to be spectated on 1.8+ (#382) - Fix camera facing down when playing path until cursor is freed (#428) - Suppress CancellationException in log when stopping camera path - Fix crash with certain render output file config values (#396) - Update bundled mixin version on 1.11.2 and below from 0.7.10 to 0.7.11 (#438) - Fix recover replay prompt showing when Auto-Recording is disabled and Start has never been pressed (i.e. no replays are to be saved) (#444) - Improve logging of render settings 2.5.1 - Add setting to disable Saving Replay rename dialog (#423) - Allow Saving Replay rename dialog to be closed by pressing Enter after typing the name (#424) - Fix key bindings not working on 1.14.4 and 1.15.2 (#414) (since 2.5.0) - Fix OpenEXR export option throwing UnsatisfiedLinkError on Windows - Fix Render Settings not saving when rendering (#425) - Fix crash when rendering ODS without depth export (#418) - Fix camera path export roll being inverted (#427) - Fix Saving Replay rename popup showing when Auto-Recording is disabled and Start has never been pressed (i.e. no replays are to be saved) (#420) - Fix surplus video file extension in .glb (camera path export) file name (#422) - Fix crash on saving when certain replay files have been modified with certain third-party ZIP programs (#426) 2.5.0 Update to 1.16.4 (backwards compatible with 1.16.2/3) (#406) - Add camera path export (#391) - Add depth map export (#371) (1.14+) - Add OpenEXR image sequence export option (required for depth export; does not require FFmpeg) (1.14+) - Auto-scroll keyframe timeline to keep cursor in view (#291) - Allow keyframe timeline cursor sync (the V key) to be toggled such that you do not need to keep it press down the whole time (enabled by default) (#290) - Add undo/redo to keyframe timeline (#305) - Add keybindings for the two keyframe buttons (#312) - Buttons with images on them will now use a white outline instead of a blue background on 1.15+ (just like vanilla does); they should even adapt to any resource packs you're using - The "Settings" button in the Replay Viewer was moved into the top right corner as a smaller button - You can now type in the Replay Viewer to filter/search your replays - You can render multiple Render Queues in one go by holding Ctrl while selecting the replays and then clicking the "Render X videos" button (which replaces the "Load" when multiple replays are selected) - The "Replay Viewer" button in the main menu should now be more compatible with mods that move around buttons (in particular with Better Mod Button) - Add reset button to export command line argument fields - Store server name (in addition to address) in replays (#324) - When tabbing into text field, select all its text (#211) - Swap parent relation between render settings and queue - Add multi-select to render queue gui - Allow rendering of selected entries in render queue gui - Default render queue job name to output file name (#267) - Add Edit button to render queue - Persist render queue in replay file (#317) - Add rename/discard options to "Replay Saving" gui (#319) - Add progress bar to "Saving Replay" indicator (#325) - Run replay recovery in background with progress indicator (#326) - Add per-server overwrite for auto-recording setting (#313) - Add multi-select to keyframe repository (#318) - Add copy/paste buttons to keyframe repository (#318) - Support Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in the keyframe repository - Add "Add to Queue" button to keyframe repository (#168) - Add key hints to buttons which have corresponding keybindings - Add a line between time keyframes and the corresponding time on the replay timeline (meant to help inexperienced users) (#351) - Show warning if first keyframe is not placed at 00:00 (meant to help inexperienced users) (#352) - Load replays in order of last modified (so you don't have to wait for everything to open the most recent recording) (#346) - Move cache folders (".mcpr.cache") into central (hidden) location (#343) - Record into separate folder so replays only show in the list once fully saved (to prevent corruption if opened too early) - Split hotkey button text over two lines if necessary to prevent the buttons from overflowing off screen (#353) - Use empty hotkey button label when key is unbound (instead of it saying NONE) across all MC versions - Refresh ReplayViewer list after replay is saved (#379) - Change F1 while replay gui is focused to only hide it (#259) - Add option to use night vision for full brightness (#315) - Make video timeline length configurable (#261) - Replace Sodium compatibility popup (which didn't always show) with disabling of the Render button and a tooltip (#392) - Find ffmpeg.exe anywhere in .minecraft folder (#347) - Get rid of thumb magic (technical change which will as a side effect prevent older ReplayMod versions from seeing thumbnails captured with newer ones) (#237) - Stop blocking all UI during path playback (#269) - Fix crash when jumping to 00:00 (happens reliably since 2.4.3, happens under very specific circumstances in older versions) (#227) - Fix F1 not functioning on 1.14+ while replay gui is focused - Fix sync not working when triggered via hotkey buttons (#399) - Fix label of non-letter keys in hotkey buttons (e.g. Shift, Left Control, etc.) on 1.16+ - Fix incorrect layering of vanilla gui additions (#385) - Fix camera FOV not matching configured FOV - Fix render queue not being persisting after edit (#362) 2.4.5 Update to 1.16.3 (backwards compatible with 1.16.2) - Fix missing blocks pre-1.14 in Quick Mode and Edit (#374) - Fix realms notification icon offsets (#373) - Fix crash with Blur mod (and potentially others) immediately after world has loaded in replay (#370) - Fix custom additions to vanilla screens duplicating when the window is resized (#369) - Fix camera getting stuck spectating itself (#300) - Fix incorrect rotation when jumping to marker (#310) - Fix jumping to marker position when time already matches - Fix incorrect jump behavior when jumping small distances beyond 5s into the replay - Fix incorrect extension for custom screenshot file name (#337) - Fix crash when screenshots folder does not yet exist (#377) - Fix crash after ODS rendering (#376) - Fix outer skin layer when spectating in first person (#363) - Fix editing a replay twice with the same name (#342) - Fix incorrect latest version in minimal mode popup (#375) 2.4.4 - Fix crash with fabric-api version 0.20.0 or newer 2.4.3 Update to 1.16.2 - Add an indicator while Quick Mode is active (contributed by Linda, thanks!) - Add a new icon for the hotkey menu button (contributed by Linda, thanks!) - Fix crash with "Screenshot to Clipboard" or other mods which mixin into Main (#327) (thanks to comp500 for pointing out the fix) - Fix recording of various world events in 1.16+ (e.g. block break sounds/particles, door open/close sounds, etc.) (#333) 2.4.2 - Fix crash when opening render dialog after upgrading from pre-2.4.0 to 2.4.1 (#288) (contributed by Linda, thanks!) 2.4.1 - Fix entities (and other things) jittering during rendering on 1.15.2 or older (#264) - Fix vanilla and RM keybindings conflicting with each other (#268), they will still be red in the controls menu but will now regardless work properly based on context - Fix DELETE hotkey (for keyframes) not working on 1.14+ (#270) - Fix hands rendering regardless of play visibility or 360 mode with OF shaders on 1.16 (#280) - Fix position of the Start/Stop/Pause/Resume buttons when another mod moves other buttons in the same screen (#281) - Fix video output dialog allowing for invalid filenames to be entered (#265) - Fix blend export method being visible even though it's not supported on 1.15.2+ (#284) 2.4.0 Update to 1.16.1 - No longer requires Fabric API to be installed manually - Fix block id syncing (and potentially other syncing) on modded 1.12.2 or older after recording with start/stop/pause/resume or manual editing, this was a bug during recording, existing replays cannot automatically be fixed (#253) (again) - Fix vanilla bug causing non-player entities (and any entities riding on them) to become stuck after jumping in the replay on 1.14+ (#203) - Fix lockup when rendering outside of loaded chunks (e.g. Y > 256) (#197) - Fix camera snapping to player for single frames during rendering (#225) - Fix crash when video output file name contains whitespace (#250) - Fix crash when video output file name is longer than 32 characters (#250) - Fix crash when the server resource pack prompt is opened on 1.14+ (#248) - Fix 1.14+ Forge thinking that the RM jar is for 1.13 when in fact is is for Fabric - Remove High Quality MP4 preset because it resulted in ludicrous bit rates (#254) 2.3.2 - Fix chunks not always loading in quick mode on 1.14+ - Fix crash due to chunk packets on 1.8.9 and older after recording (or other ReplayStudio features) (#210) - Fix maps being empty after recording with start/stop/pause/resume or manual editing (#232), in the first case, this was a bug during recording, existing replays cannot automatically be fixed - Fix Output File render setting never being saved (#229) - Fix server resource pack reloading during rendering (#182) - Fix render button (and potentially a few other things) not working on 1.8 (#206) - Fix light data sometimes not being updated (i.e. leaving unexpected shadows) during larger jumps (#209) - Fix player metadata (i.e. skin visibility, handedness, etc.) being lost after respawn (#212), this was a bug during recording, existing replays cannot be fixed - Fix shift+play camera path refusing to play paths without time keyframes (#218) - Fix crash when replay has invalid thumbnail, e.g. when produced by a not-fully-compatible third-party modification (#201) - Fix replay overlay not rendering with InGame-Info-XML installed (e.g. in SkyFactory3) (#170) - Fix spectating even though cursor is freed (#224) - Fix block id syncing (and potentially other syncing) on modded 1.12.2 or older after recording with start/stop/pause/resume or manual editing, this was a bug during recording, existing replays cannot automatically be fixed 2.3.1 - Fix RM not loading when another mod bootstraps Mixin before it does (#181) - Fix crash on 1.14.4 with Optifabric (#162) - Fix Replay Viewer button not working with CustomMainMenu (#195) - Fix NullPointerException under certain circumstances when saving/editing replay (#173) - Fix chunks outside of server view distance but inside client view distance being unloaded when Optifine is installed (#164), the implementation of this Optifine feature is broken, so the unload will still happen during rendering - Fix mod crashing without helpful error when Fabric API is missing, instead it now tells you that it's required (#187) - Fix unhelpful error screen and crash when replay contains restrictions - Remove online features (Login, Register, ReplayCenter), they're no longer available 2.3.0 - Fix crash on launch with 1.14.4-2.3.0-b1 (#149) - Fix random dead-lock during rendering on 1.15.2 (#156) - Fix skins not loading during rendering on 1.12.2 or older (#157) - Fix Edit Keyframe GUI allowing one to position keyframes out of bounds of the timeline (#152) - Fix Command Line Arguments not being reset after upgrading, causing rendered video to be corrupted (#148) - Fix crash when minimizing window during rendering on Windows (#140) - Fix low render distance on skyblock-like (i.e. ones with completely empty chunk columns) maps (#151), this was an error during recording (Play/Pause/Start/Resume feature), existing replays cannot automatically be fixed - Fix Quick Mode and spectator keyframes still showing the old replay after manually using the "Edit" replay functionality - Fix replay file being created even though auto-recording is off and "Start" has never been pressed (#138) - Fix additional 00:00-length replay being saved after "Stop" has been pressed (#147) - Fix unecessarily slow saving when only one output replay should be generated (#142) - Fix replay name having "_0" suffix even when there's only one output replay - Throw a descriptive error when rendering with Sodium which is currently not supported, pending Sodium API changes, see https://github.com/ReplayMod/ReplayMod/issues/150 - Eventually clean up ".cache" and "raw" files (#143) - Draw debug overlay (F3) and tablist on top of replay GUI (#155) 2.3.0-b1 Update to 1.15.2 - Rewrite ReplayStudio (powering Start/Stop/Pause/Resume recording, Replay Editor, Quick Mode and entity tracker) to be more robust and more compatible with third-party mods, especially on 1.14+ - Fix crash when 1.12.x is loaded with third-party mod which ships Mixin 0.8 (we're now shipping Mixin 0.8 ourselves) (#66) - Fix spectating via point&click on Fabric - Fix miscellaneous issues appearing after rendering has been cancelled (#119) - Fix resizing the window on 1.14+ while rendering (and not paused) (#126) - Fix hover indication on 1.14+ while rendering with certain GUI-scale (#124) - Fix closing the window on 1.14+ while rendering is paused - Fix broken translations with newer fabric-api on 1.14+ (#101) - Fix crash with WorldDownloader for Fabric (#120) - Fix title of Player Overview GUI on 1.14+ - Fix mouse wheel not working for camera speed adjustment on 1.14 - Fix timeline getting stuck after playing to the end in 1.8 (and possibly other versions) 2.2.0-b7 Update to 1.14.4 (dropping 1.14.3) - Fix 360 camera stabilization on 1.14 - Fix crash when config file is corrupted - Fix replay recording on certain servers being broken (`Badly compressed packet` when loading or editing the replay) - Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at NetUtil.dataToChunks on certain 1.8(.9) servers after recording and in the Replay Editor - Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at SquashFilter$ChunkData.updateLight on 1.14 after recording and in the Replay Editor - Fix `Unregistered outgoing packet class: ServerEntityDestroyPacket` after recording and in the Replay Editor - Fix `Value forge.swimSpeed has no mapping for key class AttributeType` with certain 1.12.2 Forge versions after recording and in the Replay Editor 2.2.0-b6 - Fix `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: NBTIO.readTag` in 1.11.2 and below - Fix `Value 1 has no mapping for key class GlobalEntityType` on 1.14 after recording and in the Replay Editor - Fix random (race condition) crash when loading replay or jumping backwards (seems to be most noticeable on 1.7.10 but should exist on all versions) - Fix random freeze when jumping backwards on 1.7.10 - Fix camera path auto-saving on 1.7.10 - Fix encoding of special characters in text on MC 1.14 + Windows 2.2.0-b5 - Fix settings not being saved properly on 1.14 - Fix failure to record due to NPE when auto-recording is disabled - Fix NPE when post-processing recording with (unnamed) markers - Fix `Value has no mapping for key class EntityStatus`. errors on 1.14 after recording and in the Replay Editor - Fix screenshots in replays producing broken results - Fix entity tracker not loading when modded entities exist - Fix Replay Editor (and by extension the pause/resume/start/stop feature) swallowing block updates for blocks in the same chunk and column (i.e. same y/16 and same x/z) - Fix IOOB exception when postprocessing replays from strange (and frankly broken) servers - Fix entity tracker failure popup not opening - Fix crash when placing keyframe after entity tracker failed to load - Fix recording checkboxes in single-/multiplayer screen not working on 1.12.2 or below - Fix Esc always closing all GUIs instead of what it does without the RM (e.g. pressing Esc in the JEI recipe viewer is supposed to bring you to whichever GUI you where in previously) - Add support for camera roll on 1.7.10 2.2.0-b4 - Fix crash on launch on OSX on 1.14+ - Fix NoSuchFieldException preventing recording on Java 12 - Fix thumbnail taking on 1.14+ - Fix recording of certain mobs on Hypixel (fix your mob spawn packets, Hypixel!) - Fix items of spectated player not being updated on 1.14+ - Fix constant equip sound when spectating player with head gear on 1.14+ - Fix sky when rendering in ODS mode 2.2.0-b3 Update to 1.14.3 (dropping 1.14.2) - Show popup when an error occurs during saving/postprocessing of a replay (instead of only logging the error) - Fix random freeze when jumping backwards in replay - Fix full brightness (Z) not working for rendering - Fix NPE when jumping to the very start of the replay - Fix missing textures when rendering in ODS mode - Fix GUIs (e.g. chest, crafting table, etc.) opening in replay when recording player opens them - Fix IllegalStateException when clicking in certain RM GUIs on the exact same frame as the GUI is updated - Fix RM settings being in a different order after every restart of the game - Fix second column in RM settings sometimes being partially off-screen - Fix crash when quickly double-clicking the "Load"-replay button 2.2.0-b2 Support for running the Fabric variants of the ReplayMod on pre-release and snapshot versions (with reduced features) - Fix the `Value "default" has no mapping for key class WorldType`. errors after recording and in the Replay Editor (e.g. replays won't show up in the Replay Viewer after recording) - Fix camera being stuck after jumping backwards in replay - Fix error popup being off-screen in Replay Editor - Fix Replay Editor getting stuck on some errors instead of opening error popup - Fix NPE when world somehow becomes null during rendering (having issues reproducing, still waiting for confirmation) - Fix main menu and ingame menu buttons when ModMenu is installed - Add support for ModMenu (allow opening the Replay Settings via ModMenu's settings button, mark the RM as client-side-only and fix its logo) - Allow placing of keyframes even if entity tracker fails to load (mostly relevant for pre-releases and snapshots where failure is very likely). Please nevertheless report entity tracker loading issues when not using a pre-release or snapshot! 2.2.0-b1 Update to Minecraft 1.14.2 (1.13 has been skipped) - Add Quick Mode (reduced replay quality for vastly improved jumping performance) - Add option to pause/resume/stop/start replay while ingame (actually always records but automagically applies Replay Editor afterwards) - Auto-save/load current camera path (because crashes happen and because some people don't know about X) - Add FOV slider for spherical export modes (e.g. for VR180 export) - Rewrite Replay Editor user interface to be more powerful (and hopefully easier to use). You can now access it via the "Edit" button in the Replay Viewer screen. - Improve rendering performance (custom ffmpeg arguments need to be updated to use bgra format) - Improve entity position tracker cache size, saving and loading speed - Fix various issues in Replay Editor backend - Fix crash when selecting video output location on Windows - Fix missing HUD in SP/MP after exiting replay - Fix loading of older replays on 1.12.2 - Fix issue when (automatically) jumping backwards in replay right before rendering - Fix bitrate label showing internal language key instead of translation - Fix replay camera sometimes staying active after exiting replay (e.g. then in MP) (#134) - Fix an issue with replay recovery resulting in zero-length replays (#129) - Fix random NPEs in various places of the GUI - [1.7.10] Fix NPE when jumping backwards in time - [Experimental] Add Export to .blend file (has too many issues, so it's probably not to stay; might be replaced by companion blender addon instead of directly producing .blend files) 2.1.4 - Fix seemingly random crashes in various GUIs due to "Cannot convert position unless rendered at least once." - Fix world sometimes becoming invisible when moving the camera (also caused "NaN" crashes) - Fix compatibility with Optifine, yet again, E1+ this time (caused rendered videos with shaders to be horribly broken) - Fix entity tracker issue "Value -1 has no mapping for key class MobType" (#131) 2.1.3 - 1.7.10 is now part of the main tree and should receive fixes and features as quickly as any other version - Fix crash when loading replay with Optifine 1.12.2 D1+ (#120) - Fix Optifine configuration GUI showing raw, untranslated language keys (#109) - Fix modded potion effects breaking ReplayEditor and pathing (#126) - Fix crash when quotes in FFmpeg arguments are unbalanced (#119) - [1.7.10] Fix custom entities breaking ReplayEditor and pathing (#117) - [1.7.10] Fix crash when loading replay with TCNodeTracker (#118) - [1.7.10] Fix incorrect y position of recording player - [1.7.10] Fix missing chunks in MP recordings 2.1.2 - Fix dead lock when rendering a camera path which starts earlier in the replay than the current time (#89) - Fix race condition when loading replay (especially trimmed ones) resulting in crash - Fix trimming of replays not actually trimming anything (#113) - Fix recording, among other things, sometimes not working in 1.8(.9) (might also have affected other versions) (#115) - Fix invalid TeamColor error when trimming replays on Hypixel (and possibly other highly custom servers) 2.1.1 - Fix crash when exiting replays (#110) - Fix players being floating heads when previously in spectator mode - Fix entities being bugged (jittering in place instead of moving) under yet some other circumstances (#111) - Some internal changes to allow for easier and faster updates over all (currently 9) major supported MC versions 2.1.0 - Allow loading of older replays in newer MC versions - Extended screenshots while in the Replay Viewer (3D, 360, VR, etc.) - To comply with Forge coremod policies, all jar files are now signed - Add checkboxes in multiplayer and singleplayer screens to quickly toggle recording - Allow hiding of server IPs in Replay Viewer by pressing F1 (#105) - Allow mod to be used for setting ReplayRestrictions when loaded on Forge servers (#102) - Fix crash when spectating mob dies (#94) - Fix entities being bugged (jittering in place instead of moving) after jumping in time (#93) - Fix entities being bugged (jittering in place instead of moving) if they are moved greater distances (#93) - Fix crash when opening replay with MapWriter on 1.11.2 or below (#96) - Fixed camera in replay viewer with BetterSprinting (prior to version 2.0.0) installed (#103) - Fixed dead lock at start of rendering if the rendered path is at least one second in the future - Fixed selecting of keyframe not deleting selected marker (and vice versa) (#104) - Fixed user name in registration page being arbitrarily restricted to at least five characters (#97) 2.0.1 - Try to handle invalid ffmpeg arguments more gracefully (#77) - Try to automatically recover from corrupted entity position tracker cache (#73) - Fixed mod loading on incorrect Minecraft version (#82) - Fixed exception loading entity tracker on some servers (#80 & missing ARMOR_STAND MobType) - Fixed name of invisible ArmorStand with CustomNameVisible not rendering (#72) - Fixed slash in replay file names (#71) - Fixed initial login GUI not closing on success (#68) - Fixed chunks behind camera not rendering during ODS rendering (#67) - Fixed render success sound on 1.11+ (#66) - Fixed path paused at end of replay resulting in constant reloading (#56) - Fixed hiding players in the Player Overview with VanillaEnhancements installed (#79) - Fixed invisible entities (e.g. Hypixel's Watchdog ghost users) being visible with Orange's 1.7 Animations installed (#78) - Fixed hotbar being visible when spectating player (#83) - Fixed camera in replay viewer with BetterSprinting (prior to version 2.0.0) installed (#78) - Fixed resource packs not working after jumping in time backwards for the first time - Fixed "Open to LAN" on clients with ReplayMod installed (#76) - Fixed lockup when opening replay and during replay (#85 & #86) - Fixed ReplayMod menu entry being shown on Linux - Fixed book GUI not being suppressed during replay (#90) - Fixed reply mod being closed when new one is opened via website (#92) 2.0.0-b8 Update to Minecraft 1.12.1 2.0.0 - Add confirmation dialog before overwriting path presets (#65) - Translations are now managed on weblate - Fixed camera rotating the long way around when using Catmull-Rom Spline Interpolator (#8 GH) - Fixed visual artifacts in login and register GUI - Fixed in-game menu buttons covering other mod's buttons, e.g. World Downloader (#42) - Fixed crash when using sync timelines key outside of Replay Viewer (#63) - Fixed crash when editing keyframe with different default interpolator than it was saved with (#64) - Fixed crash when entity tracker failed to load (#50) - Fixed unintentional reload of all resources after game startup (caused significantly higher loading time on large mod packs) - Fixed missing tooltips in various places - Fixed upload replay button not updating when name or tags are invalid - Fixed crash when receiving Replay|Restrict plugin message (#16 GH) - Fixed crash when saving changes to the last keyframe in the edit GUI (#61) - Fixed crash when moving keyframe past another such that it is now the last one (#62) - Fixed crash when changing the time of a keyframe in the edit GUI and subsequently removing that keyframe - Fixed GUIs of other mods not always showing on startup - Fixed OpenEye being installed into the wrong folder when using the new launcher on OSX - [1.12] Fixed advancements and recipe unlocks showing during replay (#69) - [1.12] Fixed crash on recording with Forge build 2348+ 2.0.0-b7 Update to Minecraft 1.12 2.0.0-b6 - Added Catmull-Rom Spline interpolation - Added option to set interpolaton on a per-keyframe basis - Number input fields no longer require there to be at least one digit - All communication with replaymod.com now uses https instead of http - Fixed crash when replaymod.com server responds with invalid JSON (#51) - Fixed crash in path preview when two spectator keyframes are closer than 50ms (#60) - Fixed hand of invisible spectated player being visible (#59) - Fixed time not playing in render when shift+play has been used right before (#55) - Fixed crash when accepting resource pack from server - Fixed error when replacing the source file in the Replay Editor on Windows - Fixed duration of restored replay that was corrupted by JVM/OS crash - Removed Herobrine 2.0.0-b5 Update to Minecraft 1.11.2 Update to Minecraft 1.8.9 - Added render queue - Added Replay Editor (for now, trimming only) - Added Anti-Aliasing to render settings - Fixed recording not working on Realms servers - Fixed freeze / stuck in "loading entity tracker" when loading big replays with little RAM (#46) - Fixed crash when resizing a text field/area containing more text than its width - Fixed cursor in text fields being offset when scrolled to the right - Fixed player hand when spectating animals with Shaders enabled - Fixed crash with 1.11 Forge versions more recent than build 2184 - Fixed warning about replay_downloads folder - Fixed bugs with scoreboards and commands not always working as expected in single player (#44) - Fixed rendering without sufficient keyframes (#45) - Fixed crash when loading chroma key color from config (#43) - The chances of finding FFmpeg without manual user input have been improved (and the need for the batch script on Windows has been removed) 2.0.0-b4 Update to Minecraft 1.11 - Fixed keyframe not being deselected when pressing "V" aka Sync Timelines (#27) - Fixed F1 not working properly while in the replay - Fixed duplicate (recording) player entity - Fixed vanilla bug causing lots of phantom players - Fixed spectating players past their death and respawn (#36) - Fixed NPCs being visible on the Player Overview (#29) - Fixed GUIs of 3rd party mods opening during replay - Fixed holding down of "V" key (#31) - Fixed camera rotation changing when jumping in time (#39) - Fixed wrong file paths when using the new Minecraft Launcher on OSX (#40) - Fixed removal of newly recorded replays on Windows (#32) - Fixed crash when removing the last remaining keyframe (#33) - Fixed blocks of 3rd party mods sometimes being all wrong in replays - Fixed rendering with Optifine's Fast Render setting (now automatically disabled during rendering) 2.0.0-b3 Update to Minecraft 1.10.2 - Added OpenEye suggestion/download GUI - Added tooltips to ingame buttons - Added Optifine (including shaders) compatibility - Pressing the DELETE key now removes the selected keyframe (#19) - Popup GUIs can now be closed by pressing Escape (#17) - Instead of cluttering the Main Menu screen, we now use Forge's update notifier - Fixed crash when system locale uses decimal comma (#13) - Fixed mouse not being freed when opening the clear timeline popup (#11) - Fixed multiple text fields being selected (#14) - Fixed Replay Restrictions plugin channel registration - Fixed crash when using Ctrl+Backspace in text field (#15) - Fixed camera head being visible in third person - Fixed bitrate field being active regardless of selected preset (#20) - Fixed timeline tooltip being show where there is no timeline (#21) - Fixed marker not being deselected - Fixed markers not being removed - Fixed keyframe timeline not being draggable (#18) - Fixed crash when moving the last keyframe - Fixed crash when setting two keyframes to the same time via the Edit Keyframe GUI - Fixed camera path always playing from the beginning regardless of ctrl key - Fixed crash if replay_videos folder does not exist (new installations) (#24) - Fixed arm model of spectated player (Steve Alex) - Fixed glitches when rapidly double-clicking on replay in Replay Viewer (#25) - Fixed OpenEye downloads for people using the (horribly old) Java version shipped with the native launcher 2.0.0-b2 - Replays can be opened by double-clicking (#9) - Fixed crash after clearing timeline with keyframe selected (#2) - Fixed render settings being applied regardless of their checkbox (#3) - Fixed keyframes not getting deselected when moving play head (#6) - Fixed replays from different Minecraft version being loadable, now refuses to load (#7) - Fixed deleted replays not actually being deleted (#1) - Fixed replay not pausing after path playback (#5) - Fixed path rotation in certain edge cases (#4) 2.0.0-b1 Update to Minecraft 1.9.4 With 2.0.0 large parts of the Replay Mod have been completely rewritten. Notable things that were in 1.0.8 but are missing in this version: - The Replay Editor - Custom Objects - Third person spectator keyframes - Lots of bugs and crashes All but the last one are expected to return eventually. 1.0.8 - Added replay save dialog (disabled by default) - Holding shift while clicking "Play Camera Path" now only plays the position keyframes - Fixed rendering of transparent blocks when rendering with karyonix's Shaders Mod - Fixed 360 degree metadata sometimes missing when uploading to YouTube - Fixed crash when rendering with certain shaders 1.0.7 - Added compatibility with karyonix' Shaders Mod when rendering - Added compatibility for most mods that add new entities, blocks etc. 1.0.6 - Added warning before Replays, which were recorded with different mods, are opened - Added ODS Rendering Method to create VR videos - Added possibility to directly upload rendered videos to YouTube - Added ability to directly inject YouTube Metadata in 360° and VR videos - Added "Shoulder Cam" type for Spectator Keyframes to follow an entity in third person - Path Preview for Spectator Keyframes now resembles the entity's movement - The color of the Path Preview is now based on the speed of the path - Right clicking the Keyframe Timeline now jumps to the interpolated position/time value - Removed the "M" key's function to remove selected markers. This can still be done using the DELETE key. - Fixed rendering with the F3 Debug Screen enabled including the 3D crosshair in the video - Fixed the success sound being played even if a rendering was cancelled 1.0.5 - Fixed own player being invisible after respawn / dimension change - Fixed armor and item in hand of invisible players not being rendered - Add option to toggle invisibility/transparency of e.g. invisible Armor Stands in Replay Viewer - Fixed items in hand of invisible player being invisible in first-person view 1.0.4 - Added option to show chat during replay - Command key now also frees the mouse - Assets are now sorted alphabetically by name - Increased maximum password length to 1024 - Fixed own arrows, fishing rods being invisible when spectating - Fixed particles being misaligned during default and stereoscopic rendering - Fixed nametags being misaligned when in first person as an animal which looks a different way than it walks - Fixed suffocation screen after changing worlds in some replays - Fixed custom brightness being reset if it is above 1000 - Fixed spectating being quit after changing worlds or after the player dies and respawns - Fixed spectator mode causing floating heads - Fixed spectator menu tooltip showing up in Replay Viewer - Fixed freeze when opening some replays (e.g. "Walking around") - Fixed Replay Viewer overlay not resizing when GUI scale changes - Fixed Replay Viewer speed slider resetting when GUI size changes - Fixed wrong Minecraft version when using MultiMC5 - Fixed Logout visually bugged until restart - Fixed scrolling the assets dropdown in the Object Manager - Fixed blocks turning permanently invisible once out of render distance until restart of replay - Removed debug output when typing in description box (Upload GUI) 1.0.3 - Fixed block artifacts remaining after world changes when trimming replays in Replay Editor - Fixed fire overlay not being rendered when spectating in replay - Fixed crash when renaming of replay fails - Fixed race condition causing crash in the Replay Center under some circumstances - Fixed movement not working when mouse or special keys (e.g. ÄÃÃœ) are assigned (when replay is paused) - Fixed end portal and world border animation not being affected by replay time - Fixed fire overlay not being rendered during normal gameplay - Fixed crash in Replay Editor when server sent gamemode -1 packets - Fixed crash in Upload GUI when inserting a new line in the description anywhere but in the last line - Fixed camera being influenced by the portal nausea effect - Fixed game freezing on Windows when opening File Chooser in fullscreen - Fixed creation of negative duration replay in Replay Editor - Fixed players staying invisible during normal gameplay when previously hidden in the Replay Viewer - Fixed malfunction of Replay Center when one of the replays has quotes in its description - Fixed Custom Image Objects not properly saving their Keyframes - Fixed Custom Image Objects losing their textures when re-joining a Replay - Fixed multiple Custom Image Objects using the same Asset losing their textures - Custom Image Objects are now stored in Path Presets in the Keyframe Repository instead of globally in the Replay 1.0.2 - Fixed own player not taking some types of damage during replay - Fixed hands being shown when spectating a player during a 360° video - Fixed order of replays in Replay Center and Replay Viewer - Fixed suffocation overlay sometimes being rendered in videos - Fixed timeline zooming beyond the 30 minute mark - Fixed server not disconnecting when recording is disabled - Fixed trimming to negative length - Fixed input boxes overlapping text in replay editor - Fixed servers using SRV records being saved as the resolved address 1.0.1 - Fixed random crashes related to sound volume - Fixed minecraft config getting malformed and reset - Fixed race conditions in replay viewer when changing replays (renaming, removing) - Fixed potential race conditions in replay center - Fixed rare crash on Windows due to unknown key event when resizing window - Added more special characters to the e-Mail address validation 1.0 - Initial release