Replay Mod Forums

Error Occured while adding keyframes/time keyframe
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    Aug 19 18, 02:20 PM | Last edited: Aug 19 18, 02:21 PM

    Hello. I experienced a bug only in ReplayMod 1.12-2.1.3. When I load a replay, I saw a message sent to the chat "[ReplayMod] Error loading entity tracker: decoding."

    Then I tried to add a keyframe to the timeline, then a crash report was generated.

    Extra Info:
    - I am using Windows 10
    - My Minecraft version is 1.12
    - I am using the latest version of ReplayMod 1.12 (1.12-2.1.3)
    - I tried uses previous version of ReplayMod (1.12-2.0.0) but still doesn't work

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    • 1883 forum posts

    Aug 22 18, 02:57 PM

    Please try this version of the ReplayMod and report back on whether it fixes the issue.

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    • 3 forum posts

    Aug 26 18, 12:43 PM | Last edited: Aug 26 18, 12:44 PM

    Hello. I have tested your modified ReplayMod. Here are my reports.

    I recorded about a minute of gameplay in a server using ReplayMod provided by you. Then I head over to the Replay Viewer and edit the replay. The replay is working fine, so does the Keyframes, Time Keyframes and Spectator Keyframes. I used all of them and create a simple cinematic for a test and render it. The render was a success, and the cinematic has no problems at all.

    So conclusion, your modified ReplayMod fixes the issue, but there is something missing. I also have some ReplayMod files recorded in 1.8, but your provided ReplayMod doesn't show that the specific replay file is recorded in 1.8. But overall, the keyframe issues in ReplayMod 1.12 has been fixed. Thank you.