Replay Mod Forums

Automatic Replay Splitter and Keyframe Text Export
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    • 1 forum post

    Jan 03 16, 05:22 PM

    Hi there,

    I have a few features I'd like to request. The first would be a feature that automatically splits the replay up into smaller chunks for better handling in the viewer. I play a lot of minigames and end up with quite a few files +45 minutes, which when you try to skip ahead or back, takes upwards of 4 minutes to load. When you're trying to find the start of something you want to record, that can take quite a bit of time. Now a solution I have currently is that everytime I finish a minigame, I back out and save the replay before starting another one; this helps keep the replays short and easier to manage.

    So I have two solutions you guys could implement to resolve this. One could be time base, so you'd pick your interval that you want to split it up, such as 10 minutes, or 15, or 25, or so on and so on. Because you can connect replays in the replay editor, if your action is cut in half by the split, you can always connect them to get your shot.

    The other solution is that there could be an option that it would make a new replay everytime you switch the lobbies of a server. So let's say for example, you're in a server's hub and you join a minigame's lobby, it would make a new replay when you join that lobby.

    My other request is just for exporting a text document (or any common document) with all the information of your keyframes you placed for your render. I use the ReplayMod with shaders, so while it works great it does crash once in a while. I've gotten in the habit of before I render I make a keyframe preset, but that is very tedious. If I could have it that everytime I render something out, before it renders any frames, it writes out a document of all the keyframe's information, so if it we're to crash I can easily go in and plug the keyframe information back in to get my shot back, that would be a lifesaver.
