Replay Mod Forums

Headless Rendering possible?
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    Jan 09 16, 03:01 PM

    Is it possible to have an commandline interface for headless rendering? Like you have the command: "replaymod -v NAMEOFVIDEO -p NAMEOFPATHPRESET"? So that you can render it on an server? Of course you have to prepare the path on the PC but shader rendering it self needs a lot of power, that normaly only servers have. So it would be a very good Feature I think. Is this planned? or could it be planned?

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    Jan 09 16, 03:57 PM

    We currently have these arguments builtin which I used to use for debugging of the rendering code:
    -Dreplaymod.render.file=replayFile.mcpr (Default: None, always required) The replay file that contains the path to be rendered.
    -Dreplaymod.render.path=SamplePath (Default: None, always required) The name of the path
    -Dreplaymod.render.type=NORMAL (Default: NORMAL) One of:
    - NORMAL Normal Rendering
    - STEREO Stereoscopic Rendering
    - CUBIC:true Cubic Rendering (true or false determines the "Stabilize Camera" setting)
    - EQUIRECTANGULAR:true Equirectangular Rendering (true or false determines the "Stabilize Camera" setting)
    - ODS:true VR Video Rendering (true or false determines the "Stabilize Camera" setting)
    -Dreplaymod.render.bitrate=10M (Default: 10000K) The bitrate passed as the %BITRATE% parameter in the ffmpeg arguments
    -Dreplaymod.render.fps=120 (Default: 30) Frames per second
    -Dreplaymod.render.waitforchunks=false (Default: true) Whether to wait until all chunks are compiled. This setting is not hidden in the GUI set to true. Disabling this will cause not all chunks to load in the first frame but overall rendering of short videos will be faster.
    -Dreplaymod.render.linearmovement=true (Default: false) Whether to use linear interpolation. If this is set to false, cubic spline interpolation is used.
    -Dreplaymod.render.skycolor=0x00ff00 (Default: Not set) Chroma Keying, color is a hexadecimal integer: 0xrrggbb
    -Dreplaymod.render.width=1920 (Default: Minecraft size) Width of the video
    -Dreplaymod.render.height=1080 (Default: Minecraft size) Height of the video
    -Dreplaymod.render.exportcommand=ffpmeg (Default: ffpmeg) FFMPEG executable (this is the left field in the "Command Line Settings" GUI)
    -Dreplaymod.render.exportcommandargs=ffmpegarguments (Default: The MP4DEFAULT preset) Arguments which are given to ffmpeg (this is the right field in the "Command Line Settings" GUI)

    Note that these arguments are subject to change at any time. If something changes and you cannot figure out what happened, just bump this thread and I'll give an update.
    Also note that these arguments are not tested., at all. They probably won't eat your hard drive but the aren't guaranteed to function either. You might need to use an older version of the mod for them to work correctly (there once was a version in which they were tested and fully functional).

    I cannot help you on how you start Minecraft in a headless environment with these arguments as that would potentially allow you to run Minecraft without owning it, so you'll have to figure it out yourself.
    Within the normal Minecraft Launcher you can put these arguments in the field labeled "JVM Arguments":

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    Thanks for feedback. I will try that when I have the time :)

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    Jan 11 16, 10:03 AM

    That took me a while to realize you meant that kind of headless rendering... I was wondering why you would want to render a replay where all the player heads were not on their bodies...

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    That took me a while to realize you meant that kind of headless rendering... I was wondering why you would want to render a replay where all the player heads were not on their bodies...
    Oh sorry xD I mean ofcourse something like rendering on Server farms :) In my German Chats we always say "headless xy" to servers because it has no monitor. :)

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    That took me a while to realize you meant that kind of headless rendering... I was wondering why you would want to render a replay where all the player heads were not on their bodies...
    Oh sorry xD I mean ofcourse something like rendering on Server farms :) In my German Chats we always say "headless xy" to servers because it has no monitor. :)
    Yeah, I figured. xD